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a blog by Chris Barrow

A Friday morning at the airport

Friday morning and my second of three consecutive 04:00 alarm calls – ouch.

Sometimes the calendar happens like that and today’s early start occurs because around 6 weeks ago my lovely wife broke her finger and I had to cancel a trip to Sligo at short notice to be husband and pet-owner in attendance whilst Annie had some significant surgery.

The good folks at O’Connor Moore were hugely accommodating and I’m off there today to facilitate the meeting we should have had in October.

This at the end of a smashing week of email catch-up and client meetings. I seem to enjoy my job more as each month goes by – yesterday included a series of telephone calls with prospective new clients for 2019 and it was fascinating to hear their stories – so varied.

The business of dentistry is booming and so it’s really important that you are getting your share of that – and if not you need to be asking some serious questions as to “why not?”

I have to say that the highlight of the week for me was Monday afternoon’s podcast recording with Ashley Latter and our guest, Stuart Thompson from Brite Dental in Scotland.

The podcast will be out in the next few days and I strongly suggest you listen – this man speaks with wisdom about how to grow business revenue by harnessing the talent that exists within your team.

I’ve been quoting him to clients all this week – the podcast is likely to become a classic in our archive.

Anyway – my flight is about to be called and I have a long day ahead – enjoy your day and your weekend.

Quote of the week”

A great manager harnesses the talent and controls the tantrums.
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