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a blog by Chris Barrow

The Personal Progress Interview – an alternative to the dreaded appraisal

I’m sharing with you today a brand new document that will be added to the free Resources section of my web site this week.

The Personal Progress Interview (PPI) is an alternative to the old-fashioned system of “appraisal” developed by HR experts to provide a structure for employee review.

In my own experience, appraisals seem to have bad press, often viewed as a tedious chore to be added to an already overloaded task list.

The PPI is a more versatile conversation and allows the employee to give feedback first, before the manager or Employer gives theirs.

Step 1 – asking for feedback:

  1. What do you like best about working here at the moment?

  2. What do you like least about working here at the moment?

  3. What would you most like to change about the work you do here at the moment?

Step 2 – giving feedback:

  1. What I like best about the work you are doing is…

  2. What I like least about the work you are doing is…

  3. What I would most like you to change about the work you are doing is…

Over the years, I’ve used the PPI with my own support team and on behalf of clients.

Some people find the whole appraisal process inhibiting and the PPI is a great way to break the ice, especially if you are able to get off site and just chat over coffee.

My recommendation to clients is that all team members (including clinicians) should attend a PPI at least quarterly.

Dare I say that, if we did that, there would be fewer people problems in our organisations?

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