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a blog by Chris Barrow

The Perfect Imperfectionist 2016

Today I’m excited to be publishing my first e-book via Kindle Direct Publishing, namely an updated and revised version of The Perfect Imperfectionist.

It was 2011 that I first created a series of blog posts (edited by Marita Macdonald) on how to remain human and sane in a world which expects so much of us.

My theory is that if you can get organised 80% of the time, that’s enough (and more than most).

The rest of the time it’s good to be disorganised, perhaps even therapeutic.

In this latest edition I’ve included updates to reflect the new technology many of us use in life and business, as well as the significant changes that have taken place in my life since the original work.

Over the years I have had feedback that this little piece has encouraged others to be more accepting of themselves.

Writing is essentially a catharsis but if it helps others, that is a bonus.

I hope that this might help you.

You can see the pages here:

Incidentally, most weekends I publish a very personal blog of the same name.

You can find that HERE and subscribe.

Oh – and there will be more e-books to follow on the business of dentistry.

All proceeds from my e-book sales will support dental charity Bridge2Aid.

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