After this morning’s blog post on stock markets and economies and an early meeting, I jumped back into super-car for a 300-mile drive back to Cornwall. Quite often, I have the ability to drive long distances without entertainment – just reflecting on my personal and professional life. I prefer silence when I drive and when I jog, so that I can commune with my environment and myself. Its fun taking phone calls though (yes – hands free) and catching up with friends, family and colleagues. Occasionally I will listen to some CD’s, although I have to say that my relationship with music has never been a central part of my life. In the mornings I will head for Radio 4, especially for The Today Programme but also to listen to the mid-morning shows which are often interesting and informative – I especially like Women’s Hour because its just plain intelligent without being anything-ist. However……. This morning at 11.00am I had to suffer 30 minutes of interviews with former employees of Lehman Brothers bemoaning the demise of their firm, their careers and their savings – and the collapse of Wall Street. Shortly afterwards, at noon, I endured a further 35 minutes of interviews with UK small business owners and employees, telling tales of woe – bankrupt businesses, unhelpful bank managers, lost jobs, failed suppliers, repossessed houses, tightened belts. By the end of this lot I was ready to buy a mangy dog and start selling The Big Issue. Eventually I just gave up and switched on Linkin Park’s latest album and lost myself in a head-banging rush down the A30 to clear my system. It seems the media will not be satisfied until we are all totally convinced of Armageddon – and I’ve genuinely had enough of it. I’m just going to get on with my job and my life and, like my mate Ashley Latter, refuse to take part. Attitudes are contagious – both positive and negative – and I’m going to follow the lead of my friend Michael Bungay Stanier and infect people around me with the possibility virus.
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