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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

What I’m doing to help my clients through this difficult time

This email was issued to my 2020 client base a couple of hours ago.

"I’d first like to reiterate my apologies that this afternoon (Wednesday) will be the first opportunity I have had to start answering emails that were sent to me as long ago as last Thursday evening (including all of last week’s Trackers).

In 50 years at work, (and through many personal and national challenges) I cannot remember a time that has felt so disruptive.

The need to keep an eye on the tsunami of information and formulate a response to current conditions has been overwhelming - I’ve been pulling 12-hour shifts and wondering at the end what I actually achieved - I’ll bet just like you.

You will have seen online my decisions in support of the wider dental community:

  • Saturday’s blog post (now read over 6,800 times);

  • Monday’s “letter to patients” (over 3,800 views);

  • This morning’s announcement on the weekly Covid-19 Business Confidence Forum; and

  • Opening the gates on The Extreme Business Academy for the next three months.

My intention is to provide a place where the many anxious people I have connected with in the last 7 days can seek guidance and reassurance that “this too will pass”.

Now I turn my attention to you - my faithful and lovely 2020 coaching clients.

This email is intended for everyone in coaching programmes with us this year, be it Extreme Coaching, the workshop programme or simply digital (at home and overseas).

Let me start by getting to my main point - with immediate effect (commencing 1st April 2020)

I am cutting my fees by 20% to help with your current cash flow challenges

and I’ve asked Phillippa this morning to facilitate that change when the April invoices go out.

This reduction will be operative for the next three months and subject to review - if we are getting back to normal, I’ll expect to put my fees back up again when we all feel more confident.

I have a duty of care to accept the reality of your circumstances, just like you to care for my own support team, pay my suppliers and keep myself above water personally.

I recognise that you are facing significant challenges over the weeks ahead and that they will have a major impact on your cash flow.

I have spoken to three clients in the last few hours who have volunteered that they see my support as being even more important than ever during these times - that really made my day and has fired my enthusiasm to be as resourceful as possible.

As you know, I’ve volunteered my own social distancing as from midnight last night, for an initial period of one month, subject to review.

Whether it’s 30 days, 90 or longer, I’ll be working flat out to keep my eyes and ears open, not just on how to react to the healthcare crisis but also how to communicate to team, suppliers, lenders and patients as the story unfolds. Ultimately, we will all be working together to re-launch our businesses in the post-crisis world.

So my coaching will look like this for you and your teams:

  • You have unlimited email access to me personally;

  • you have unlimited Zoom access to me personally - if you want to jump onto a video call - just connect with Phillippa and she will book a time;

  • we will continue with the weekly tracker;

  • the April workshops on The Money Sessions will be delivered as live webinars on the original dates (2nd and 3rd April) and you can attend either or both - in addition we will record them for all - I will present a condensed version of the original material on financial analysis and also leave time for an open house on questions around any subject, including Covid-19;

  • the normal video call in days will remain unchanged in the calendar;

  • If the containment period extends beyond a month - all face to face client meetings will be replaced with a live video meeting;

  • My intention is also to deliver live supporting information and good ideas on a day to day basis;

  • Your Academy access is available for all team members and ALL COURSES on the Academy are now available free of charge - each month I will continue to publish new content, tutorials, interviews and webinars;

  • Although available in the public domain, don’t forget the Thursday evening Covid-19 Business Confidence Forum, where my panel of experts will continue to discuss the emerging landscape.

If there are any other ways you think I can help - please let me know.

I hope that this financial decision will be well received and that you will make the most of your investment in me over the weeks ahead.

I want you and your team to use the time we have been given now to perfect the very best systems and protocols and, thus, take advantage of the inevitable upturn in future business.


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1 Comment

Mar 18, 2020

We all really appreciate your concerted hard work and diligent support, especially right now. Your reduction of 20% is a reminder to us all of how we can also help our hard hit patients. Thanks Chris

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