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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

Vacations or Vocation?

I've noticed that I get four variations on a question from those considering practice squats or purchases.

Group A - "I'm thinking about practice ownership and wanted to chat to you about whether you think that would be a good idea for me?"

Group B - "I've decided to open a squat practice for the first time and want to send you the business plan for your opinion and future guidance."

Group C - "I've identified a practice that I want to buy for the first time and I'd like to send over the agent's prospectus and/or the accounts for you to take a look at and give me your opinion on the opportunity and the price."

Group D - "I already own a practice(s) and now want to expand into further locations through squat or acquisition and I'd like you to review my business plan or agent's prospectus/accounts and give me your opinion on the opportunity or the price."

My response to Group A is always:

  1. Do you realise that practice ownership is the toughest ultra-marathon you will ever enter? The equivalent of a newborn baby that never sleeps and never stops crying? That you are never-not the owner? That you live, eat, sleep and breathe the business. That your kid's teachers think your spouse is a single-parent? That ownership isn't a job, it's an all-embracing monster?

  2. Do you want your future life to be about your vacations or your vocation?

  3. Contact me again when you have joined Group B or Group C.

My response to Groups B, C & D is always:

  1. Send me the numbers.

I have two house rules (and I recognise that what I'm about to say could bring me a lot of work - but here goes.....):

  • I never charge for my initial opinion - whichever Group you are in, my first Zoom call and my first opinion on your plan or numbers is complimentary;

  • I never charge Groups B & C for my guidance through the process of getting the business opened or bought;

  • I'll take the risk that, when and if you get the keys (and start to generate revenue), you will then hire me as your business coach;

  • Group D can pay - because they can.

Would it surprise you to know that the majority of Group A calls never come back?

Either because they don't like my home truths, they don't like me or they never take action - I'll leave you to decide which.

Thankfully, Groups B, C & D keep me busy - I'll be happy to take your call and see if I can help.

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For a leisurely tour of the Westgate Palace Resort, guests can hop on a swamp buggy ride or hayride. Swamp buggies are large, off-road vehicles that allow visitors to traverse the rugged terrain of the ranch while taking in the scenery.


Glamping is a mix of glamorous and camping, and Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort is famous for it. Imagine sleeping in a tent with air conditioning, comfortable bedding, and all the amenities of a hotel. It’s the perfect option for those who want to experience nature without sacrificing comfort.


To understand the significance of Westgate River Ranch Resort, it’s essential to delve into Florida’s long-standing relationship with cattle ranching. Cattle were introduced to Florida by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, making the state one of the oldest cattle-ranching regions in the United States.


Sep 29

The article reflects on the balance between vacations and vocation, exploring how entrepreneurs can find harmony between work and personal time. It discusses the importance of taking meaningful breaks to recharge and how maintaining a healthy work-life balance can actually enhance productivity. Cannobio Lago Maggiore


Aug 30

Choosing between a vacation and focusing on your vocation can be a tough decision. Personally, I’ve found that combining the two can be incredibly rewarding. Taking time off for a meditation retreat in North Carolina allows me to reflect on my career while also giving myself the break I need. It’s about finding that balance—recharging your energy and creativity while still keeping your passion for your work alive. A retreat like this offers the perfect setting to reconnect with yourself, gain clarity on your vocation, and return feeling more motivated and focused than ever. It’s the best of both worlds.

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