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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow


The time has come for a de-tox.

I returned from The Island with Bear Grylls on 3rd March and, having dropped 20% of my body weight, had plenty of inches to add back and a yearning desire to eat and drink just about anything.

There was a New York cheesecake period that fortunately only lasted a week or so but I’ve gradually returned to my pre-Paleo eating and drinking habits, using the excuse of extended business travel and a hectic routine.

My weight is back at the standard 11st 4lbs and Jon Barrow has challenged me to take part in a Tough Mudder with him later this year.

I need a mental break from “the 19th marathon” training (that will be 2015) but a target to aim at.

So – 1st June tomorrow.

Back on it – and a a kick-start to a summer of health, nutrition and fitness before we head for Tanzania in August.

As of tomorrow:

  1. 21 days of no alcohol (followed by a wedding weekend with best friends in Devon)

  2. thereafter alcohol on Friday/Saturday and special nights

and on a more permanent basis

  1. no bread

  2. no pasta

  3. no rice

  4. no potato

  5. no dairy

  6. lots and lots of colourful fruit and vegetables

  7. plenty of meat, fish and fowl

  8. vitamin supplements

I’m also going to try my very best to extend my morning runs and aim towards an hour a day, travel and work permitting.

Tonight, we have Rachel back from University for a couple of weeks and so Jon and I are threatening everyone with a night at Hale Kitchen.

The last time we were all there together was Boxing Day – that is madness and a reflection of just how full all of our lives are.

Tonight I’m going to eat and drink what I like.

On another note – The Island comes to an end on Monday evening and, if you haven’t heard, episode 5 starts at 21:00 and is followed by a BONUS Episode 6 that will feature extra events, behind the scenes footage and interviews that we all gave last week about “life since”.

Then, I guess The Islanders sink back into the mangrove mud of everyday life, changed forever by the experience.

I have loved every minute of it – including the last 4 weeks of people chatting with me about the show and asking for selfies!

One thing I will not miss – if another parent sends me a picture of their 13-year old Scouting son lighting a fire in 15 minutes – I’ll scream.

The Island will go down as one of the best experiences of my life – a huge privilege. 

There is a book inside me on the subject and I’m chatting to the production company about that.

For now – some work this morning, shopping for wedding clothes later and then a little family party ce soir.

Have a great weekend.

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