Here's some really good advice - too late.
The three summer months of June/July/August are going to be disrupted by clinicians and team members taking time off.
Good weather, less Covid and the desire to escape from the media obsession with "crisis" are encouraging more people to have more fun this year.
It's too late to email me and ask "how do I deal with a shortage of team members in the next couple of months?"
Make a note in your diary/planner for 1st January 2024 to plan for this in your holiday rota and, more importantly, in your cash flow forecast.
Back to my point (last week) about easing off in these three summer months, ready for the surge that starts in September.
By the way - plan to take more time off yourself in future summer months - make that decision NOW and open next years calendar to get it booked.
A very good Monday morning - I'm a little more tired than usual after staying up way past my Sunday bedtime to watch Elton John - he may not be too good on his feet any more but he can still belt them out.
I was going to speculate that I'd like to be as energetic as that after 51 years on the road - then it occured to me that, come September, I'll have been at work for 50 years.
No farewell concerts from me - plenty of touring still to do - and a delightful email this morning from a London-based Principal, confirming that she is joining The Extreme Business 100 from 1st July.
The journey begins - and I still get a rush from starting to work with a new client.