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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

The 100% Growth System – Part 5

If I could show you a way of generating an extra £38,000 of sales in just one month, would you be interested? Recently, that happened to a client of ours who implemented Part 5 of The 100% Growth System: Reactivation This is so simple in concept, its embarrassing. Step 1 Gather the email addresses of all those prospects and patients who had a treatment plan in the last 24/36 months and did not proceed. Step 2 Create an automated email nurture sequence that invites them back in to discuss that treatment. Step 3 Turn on the sequence, get back to what you were doing and wait for the calls. Of course, the content of the email nurture sequence has to be sensitive and well designed, not too pushy, not too wishy washy. That’s where we come in, working with our clients not just to build the architecture but also to assist with the branding and content of the emails. Here’s an example of what one full sequence looks like as a blueprint:

Internal Web form 1 – enter sequenceEmail 1 – (to the TCO) task for the TCO to call patientEmail 2 – email – tried calling youEmail 3 – frequent obstacles that patients findEmail 4 – (to the TCO) task for the TCO to call patient for a second timeEmail 5 – email – tried calling you againEmail 6 – email treatment benefits/testimonialsEmail 7 – email treatment offer 1Email 8 – email treatment offer 2Email 9 – thanks for listeningInternal Web form 2a – request TCO call – reactivationInternal Web form 2b – book TCO manuallyInternal Web form 2c – patient says “no” to treatment planEmail 10 – reminder message 7 days beforeEmail 11 – reminder message 1 day beforeEmail 12 – thanks for listeningInternal Web form 3 – attend TCO follow-up meetingEmail 13 – thank you for attendingEmail 14 – confirmation of time, date, clinician

Some of these emails, namely 1 & 4 are internal emails that remind your TCO to take action

You are already aware of how the internal web forms work from Part 4 of this series.

All of the emails that the dormant patient receives are beautifully branded, simple in content and designed to encourage that reactivation – here are a couple of examples of one of the emails:

Emails and sequences just like this produced £38,000 of sales in one month. From an automated process. Not bad eh? And we are starting to see similar results around the client base. In fact, we are jumping reactivation to the front of our build queue with new clients because we know that there is a good chance of some quick wins. Quick wins are very useful when you are working to demonstrate MROI – marketing return on investment. Tactic #7 – Create reactivation sequences for dormant treatment plans. Summary so far of The 100% Growth System Tactic #1 – hold accountability meetings face to face with your SEO, Digital and Direct Marketing providers EVERY MONTH AND PREFERABLY FACE TO FACE and ask them the golden question. Tactic #2 – lead your team in actively asking for emails, social connections, testimonials, referrals and networking invitations Tactic #3 – The Lifecycle Marketing Workflow Tactic #4- Create White Paper downloads on your web site for all of the major treatment modalities that you wish to broadcast Tactic #5 – Embed White Paper offers into your existing email newsletters Tactic #6 – complete internal web forms for all new patient enquiries and up-sales to existing patients Tactic #7 – Create reactivation sequences for dormant treatment plans.

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