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a blog by Chris Barrow

Starting the week

First day back after our annual sabbatical in Greece.

Our 19th year on the lovely island of Ithaca and, perhaps more than any, two weeks of complete relaxation that have recharged our batteries and restored mind, body and spirit.

This morning, I woke up early to my 05:30 alarm. This routine gives me the opportunity to take a quick walk with the dogs around the block (even though it was raining), prepare coffee for Annie and myself, and then sit under the garden pergola for my 30-minute morning reading session. I start with The Daily Stoic and then move on to whatever book I'm currently reading.

(At the moment - "Briefly Very Beautiful" by Roz Dineen - a Mum and her three kids try to escape an apocalyptic Britain in which climate change is burning the planet)

After finishing this blog, I will go for a morning run. Following the recommendation of my daughter Rachel, I have installed the "Runna" app to help me prepare for my 35th marathon on Lago di Maggiore in November, after a 5-year hiatus. Although it is a challenging goal considering my current fitness levels, I am committed to attempting it.

Then, at around 09:30, I'll be back at this desk to start in earnest.

Today's agenda includes addressing emails and tasks that were postponed during the break. I have a Zoom meeting scheduled with Phillippa and Rachel at 11:00 to discuss and plan for the upcoming weeks.

I have a list, I have already prioritised the list, I'll start with the A's.

Tomorrow Zoom calls with clients and my weekly client webinar in the evening.

Wednesday more catch up and planning for Q4, as well as two podcast recordings.

There will be workshops in Manchester on Thursday and Friday. Laura Horton will lead the Thursday session on Treatment Coordination, which is already sold out. On Friday, the session on Marketing will be conducted by me.

Here we go it.

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