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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow


There used to be an old adage that you should never mention other products and services to your clients as that would dilute the cash they could pay to you – in dentistry I can remember lectures at which we were told not to display lifestyle magazines in a patient lounge for this reason.

I prefer abundance mentality and karma.

So here are some great ways to spend your time and money as an alternative to sending it over in my direction:

Best Year Yet for iPhone and iPad

The BYY book and software have been around for years and are a great way to set and measure goals.

Jinny Ditzler’s book is a modern day classic in the personal development world and should be on every reading list.

Her company have today released the iTunes download (free of charge) for those who are already users of the planning system (don’t download if you are not a BYY client).

Yet another example of everything becoming an app.

Des Walsh on social media

Des is an Australian based fellow Boomer who writes an excellent weekly e-newsletter on whats going on in the world of social media marketing and what to do about it.

Plain English for the non-geek and focused on the needs of the small business sector – a superb heads-up every Friday.

Essential PA

My business life, travel, accommodation, calendar and clients are managed by Phillippa Goodwin – those of you who work with me, know her.

I’m very blessed to have Phillippa to make my travels effortless and effective.

Here is a link to a pre-Christmas blog post that she has created – read it and it will make you think. It includes a link to a self-assessment test on your own time management.

The Business of Business Course – The Campbell Academy

OK – this is where I will be accused of insanity – you are a business coach and you are recommending a business course organised by somebody else?

Yep – that’s absolutely correct, in the same way that, over the years, I have recommended people to attend The Strategic Coach courses in the UK and Canada and I’ve encouraged them to visit Ashley Latter for communication skills training, Tracy Stuart for Front of House training, Laura Horton for TCO training and so on. That’s why there is a Corporate Friends section on my web site.

I have a house rule – no commissions, introducer’s fees or any other financial inducements (except for an occasional pint).

The Business of Business course at The Campbell Academy is going to be a game changer for just 12 practices a year (in the member’s declaration of interests, I’ll be speaking at one of the meetings and getting paid my day-rate).

This course is a year long business course with six two-day modules.

It is anticipated that Practice Principals will attend with their Practice Managers (although this is not exclusively the case).

The cost of the course includes a place for two people to attend with additional places available on separate modules for people with those skills within the practice.

The course includes access to an online discussion forum and four detailed online exercises to be carried out on a time limited basis. It also includes five working course dinners and a celebratory dinner, all at exceptional venues around Nottingham.

I understand that there are only 2 of the 12 places now available. A rare chance to see further from the shoulders of giants.

Your investment in the course (inclusive of VAT) is £12,000.

The course is based in Nottingham.

If you’re interested please contact Tom Reason, The Campbell Academy Manager – 0115 9823919 |

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