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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

Monday morning - a quick reminder

We begin again - Monday morning and 5 full weeks until Christmas week.

It's 06:45 and I've had my first client of the week post a "what do we do next?" message to our private Facebook group:

"So.... I've just received an email from a patient who has tested +ve for Covid. Saw her on Tuesday, she developed symptoms on Thursday. Do I need to do anything aside from reassure team and reinforce importance of protocols? Appropriate PPE worn throughout and team following the various protocols so I'm not concerned about transmission within the practice. I assume test and trace will be in touch with the practice and our protocols checked? Happy Monday everyone!!"

So it's not just Boris that is having to adjust this morning.

Reassuringly, we have protocols to cover this situation and carry on.

We seem to be moving into yet another version of "groundhog days".

Apart from the continued uncertainties as to the future of NHS dentistry, there's nothing much to speculate on at the moment.

There is a reasonable degree of clarity on financial support for business, furlough, fallow time, SOPs, the patient journey, rotas and shifts, pricing, payments to self-employed clinicians, (have I missed anything?).

The only issues which continue to aggravate appear to be grumbling plan patients and nurses leaving the profession for an easier life. Everyone I know is very, very busy.

So, in the absence of things to worry about - it just comes down to (as Michael Gerber said many years ago in The E-Myth Revisited)) just "doing it, doing it, doing it".

By the end of today I will have caught up with my client's weekly reports and so will have a better insight and, if there are any new issues arising, I'll be sure to let you know.

For the moment, it's incumbent upon us to show up and make the best of what we have - what The Stoics call "amor fati" - the love of fate - accepting the NOW and getting on with it.

A quick reminder though. Don't forget that you are a leader. Everyone is looking at you for guidance and inspiration. Give them what they need.

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