Michael is a talented, informative, educational genius – who trains, consults, coaches and mentors some of Canada’s top companies on “the possibility virus” – all about releasing your own potential and that of your team. He’s also a great guy and a really good speaker.
Chris I hope all’s well and that 2009 has started out well for you. I’m writing to ask a favour… I’m running an public workshop based on my soon-to-be-released book, *Find Your Great Work* in London on Saturday Feb 21. The book’s been endorsed by some big names – David Allen, John Whitmore, Dave Ulrich and others – and the workshop will be provocative, fun and useful. The favour is this: If you know two or three people who you think might enjoy the workshop, would you pass the news along to them?  All the information is here: http://www.boxofcrayons.biz/public-workshops/ (The early bird price ends this Saturday). Thanks for considering the request – and I hope you’re surviving the snow falls OK! Warm wishes, Michael
Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons. Michael was the 2006 Canadian Coach of the Year. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, and holds a Masters of Philosophy from Oxford, and law and arts degrees with highest honors from the Australian National University. He created Get Unstuck & Get Going on the stuff that matters, a multi-award-winning coaching program and tool that’s being used in organizations around the world. Leading management thinker Peter Block says it has “a quiet political message in it that coaching is available to all of us and is not a profession but a way of being with each other.” He also created The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun and The 5 3/4 Questions You’ve Been Avoiding, short internet movies that have been seen by well over a million people in at least 175 countries around the world. Michael’s latest book, Find Your Great Work, is due out early 2009. Michael is a popular speaker at business and coaching conferences and is speaking at the international conferences for: SHRM (June 2009), International Association of Facilitators (April 2009) and Etisalat Academy’s 8th Middle East HR Conference and Expo. Recently he has spoken at the OD Network, and the International Coaching Federation. Prior to founding Box of Crayons, Michael held senior positions in the corporate, consultancy and agency worlds in the UK, the United States and Canada.