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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

Launching a life

I’ve been uncharacteristically quiet on social media these last few weeks – blog posts especially few and far between. Partly because of the sheer amount of travel and delivery – there have been many journeys and meetings with old friends and new. We are very busy working with clients at 7connections. Partly because I’ve been taking some time out to look at my reflection in the mirror and figure out just who I am now and who I’m going to be over the next 5 years. The team at 7connections have been priceless – as a sounding board but also giving me the space and time to think. And, as always, my family, friends and best mates have offered many a listening ear, whether its been indoors in practices, offices, hotels and coffee bars – or outdoors walking the dog, climbing Scottish mountains or just bimbling. Most of all – I’ve been having a real good chat with myself and asking: “what have you learned from the events of 2012/13?” “what do you like best about yourself?” “what do you like least about yourself?” “what would you most like to change about yourself?” Frederic Hudson writes eloquently about this process in his book “Lifelaunch – a passionate guide to the rest of your life.” He describes 4 stages in a post-traumatic experience:

  1. The Doldrums

  2. Cocooning

  3. Get Ready

  4. Go for it!

February 2013 was a traumatic moment and, since then, I’ve given myself permission to travel through the process outlined above. I’m getting ready now – (in fairness, The Doldrums lasted about 48 hours) and in addition to the 7connections team working hard to define our offering to the market (watch that space) I’m also close to understanding just who I want to show up as professionally and personally. So “watch out” because over the weeks ahead I’ll be using this blog to share that with you – and I’ll be inviting you to join me in the rest of my life. I’ve mentioned before that my 60th birthday is 9th September and I want to use that date to launch Chris Barrow 2.0 Don’t worry – I’m not Bilbo Baggins and there is no ring. But I’m getting ready and getting excited about who I’m going to be. Oh – and what’s in it for you? Wait and see. You will not be disappointed.

It’s our experience in working with hundreds of very talented and resourceful people over the last twenty years that most of us spend more time reacting to changes that surprise us, than we do in the listening to our own inner stirrings and yearnings so that we might craft intentional new chapters/transitions at the inevitable crossroads in our adult journey. Life Launch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life by Frederic M. Hudsonand Pamela D. McLean
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