January was notable for many reasons:
The Get Your Year in Gear programme and over 20 delegates working their way through a 31-day fast track start to the year;
An outstanding live webinar for The Extreme Business Academy, in which Dr. Marcos White shared with us his unique combination of TCO and scanning-led new patient consultations that have grown his business by over 40% in just one year;
An equally fascinating interview with Krishan Joshi from Dental Focus, exploring his professional history in what will be part 1 of a two-parter for Academy members;
A brand new Extreme Business Academy course recorded and on sale from today - 7 modules on 'Moments of Truth in the Patient Journey';
Podcasts with Grant McAree (with Ashley) on digital advertising and Shaz Memon from Digimax Dental on web design and a wonderful charity called “Wells on Wheels”;
Delivery of the first marketing day(s) in the 2020 Extreme Business Workshop programme;
Visiting The Campbell Academy Implant Course in Colin’s new building and delivering my “marketing for implants” session to a new cohort of his delegates;
Along the way, the first month of 1:1 visits with my Extreme Coaching clients - always guaranteed to help me keep my finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the real world and my daily rumination on the blog.
Phew - I sometimes have trouble keeping up with myself and all the excellent content and people that we are able to share.
This month, after three busy weeks of client meetings around the UK, I’ll be off to South Africa to deliver two workshops in Johannesburg on marketing and financial analysis, as well as a two-day visit with an Extreme Coaching client in Durban.
It was also useful, at the start of the month, to open my new, quarterly copy of The Full Focus Planner and establish my goals for the full year and the first 90-days.
It sounds unbelievable but a major goal for Q1 2020 is to design my business model for 2021 - I’m planning a year in advance for “what’s next” in my own business model and currently researching what other business coaches around the world are up to.
PS. Our January Newsletter was sent out this morning - take a look here. If you would like to sign up to the Extreme Business monthly newsletter, please follow the button on our homepage at www.coachbarrow.com.