Listen - don't get me wrong - I love my job - but..........
I have really loved the last two Bank Holiday weekends. Have you?
My morning coffee with a book;
Feeling on Saturday morning that I had a long break ahead of me;
Knowing that Sunday evening wasn't a "school night";
Plenty of time for exercise;
the extra Monday morning longer sleep;
the Monday to "do my thing";
Arriving at Tuesday morning, knowing that it's a 4-day week (and focused o getting things done in that time scale).
It has been marvellous and has reminded me that, back in 2002 I did drop to a 4-day working week for a while, then got out of the habit and went back to 5 days.
Pondering this morning.......
Would the world be a better place if we stayed with the 3-day weekend permanently? Perhaps with everyone working no more than a 4-day week but with businesses staying open 7 days with split shifts (as one of my dental clients does already).
Would I be happier and healthier if I took every Monday as a Bank Holiday?
I've been motivated over the last 14 days to take a serious look at my calendar planning and I'll be talking to Phillippa about that when I meet her at our Bristol workshop later this week.
Less is more.
p.s. The Dentistry Show on Saturday - 🙄 - game face on.