Alex Jones sent me an email yesterday, passing on the news that a dental rep had told him, that a dentist had told him/her – that Chris Barrow has had a nervous breakdown! Trouble is – nobody has bothered to tell me. It’s not very nice you know. You’ve been letting me drive 3000 miles a month around the UK, meeting with over 70 dental principals to discuss potential practice sales, working with my buddy Matt Jackson to develop the Private and Specialist Division of IDH, offering help and advice to independents, writing blogs and articles, speaking at conferences. And all this time I was suffering from a nervous breakdown. My MUM had one of those in the late 60’s – I was there as a teenager – she wandered around the house in a dressing gown for 12 months and didn’t recognise me when I got home from school. Eventually they carted her off to Prestwich Hospital in North Manchester for electric shock treatment. How times have changed – I’m not getting any treatment at all – just more and more requests for information, inspiration and help and some of the best professional days I’ve had for years. Funny old things, nervous breakdowns…. There’s a van parked outside…. They are coming to get me…. Bloody dentists and reps – nothing better to do with their time. Ah well – at least they ARE talking about me. Probably that blog post about Mr Tengu that started it. And I did leave my glasses at Reading services last night – does that count?