I knew that I wouldn't sleep well last night.
It was a night populated by dreams about work - about cranking up the engine again after a lovely week in Bamburgh, Northumberland.
For the moment, no more early morning runs along the wide beaches, listening to the ocean crashing against the shore, blinded by the low winter sun rising from the waves, face exfoliated by the wind blasted sand.
Goodbye to indulgent food and drink, extended reading sessions, afternoon naps and evening board games.
We returned from holiday on Friday and I've just invested a large part of my weekend in a major overhaul of The Bunker - I moved into this basement office 9 years ago and have slowly accumulated the detritus of life. Time for a clear out, a clean and a re-arrangement - largely motivated by a desire to avoid the cabin fever that has evolved during this year's enforced incarceration.
A change being as good as a rest - this massive declutter is half completed and will continue over the days ahead.

Today I'll be catching up with the weekly trackers - progress reports from my clients - and with emails and task lists.
By the close of play today, my head will be thoroughly back in the game and I'll have a good sense of how you are responding to Lockdown 2.0 - and how best I can help on this week's calls and webinars.
Here we go....