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Sat, 15 Aug


George Street

Sydney - The Complete Patient Journey

Chris Barrow is back in August 2020 for his first trip to Singapore and his third visit to Australia.

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Sydney - The Complete Patient Journey
Sydney - The Complete Patient Journey

Time & Location

15 Aug 2020, 08:30

George Street, George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

About the event

This time - it’s different.

Chris will be presenting a 1-day interactive workshop designed to help teams to decide on 18 ways that they can improve their existing patient experience.

Morning session - 6 moments of truth

The first half of the day will be a presentation of “The 6 moments of truth” in the patient journey that can make all the difference between:

Your patient saying “yes” to a treatment plan and

Your patient spreading the word via word of mouth and/or digital recommendation

What are those 6 moments of truth?

First digital contact - how you are seen on the internet;

First human contact - what happens the first time that a patient communicates directly with a member of your team;

First consultation - how the first meeting with a TCO/clinician is structured;

Treatment co-ordination - how an effective TCO can improve your conversation rate by 30%;

Treatment plan presentation - moving away from traditional Tx plans to a visual experience that hugely increases your chance of success;

The end of Treatment Review - perfecting the most important conversation you will ever have to grow your business.

Afternoon session - 18 ways to get even better

The second half of the day will be 100% interactive with all team members present.

In this live coaching session, you will creatively destroy your own existing patient journey and, as a team (with Chris’s help) re-build that journey with a MINIMUM guarantee that you will leave the room with 18 improvements that can be implemented as soon as you get back to work.

That’s why it’s important to have as many team members as possible at this one-day event - so that you can get maximum buy-in to the new ideas that you will take away from the day.

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