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a blog by Chris Barrow
Writer's pictureChris Barrow

What’s happening next?

I sent the following email to all of our existing clients yesterday:

Dear all Apologies for the quietness over the last 10 days but we have been working behind the scenes to effect as smooth a transition as possible. Al Kwong Hing has decided to become a shareholder and partner in Same Day Smiles – he has no further appetite for coaching, management services and Partnerships and closed the main BKH trading company last Monday. I first became aware of a change in his thinking on Tuesday of last week and have been reacting as quickly as possible to the change of circumstances. My intention is to take the Practice Development Team with me into a Newco. The new team will be: Chris Barrow Tim Caudrelier Nikki Berryman Karl Taylor-Knight Jon Barrow and we have asked Phillippa Goodwin to be our Essential PA. At the moment I am deeply involved in:
  1. contacting existing coaching clients to request that we continue to provide services from 1st March onwards – so far the response has been 100% positive

  2. contacting those who we worked with on Management Services and Partnerships for the same reason

  3. making sure that promised services are delivered – as we speak, members of the PDT are out with clients delivering as scheduled in the calendar

  4. contacting existing suppliers to request their support

  5. putting together a new business plan, finance proposal and funding requirement for Newco – we are in conversation with a private investor – and we have verbal agreement from a main clearing bank to provide funding for acquisitions

  6. dealing with numerous “what is happening” questions from friends – and gossip from self-appointed enemies Can I at this stage make it clear that, although I will have no further connection with Same Day Smiles – the business opportunity with that company is as I have previously stated and I wish Richard Brookshaw and Alex Jones the very best with their venture going forward. It has been a whirlwind 13 months at BKH and none of us regret a day of it – but now its time to move forward into the next phase. Last week was a very stressful period of uncertainty, waiting for decisions to be made by other people. This week we are back in control of our own destiny and ready to take what we have learned and move on. Watch this space and call me if you have any questions.

And Al Kwong Hing issued the following this morning:

It has been an exciting time for me working with Chris Barrow and developing the BKH Business. Due to a confluence of happenings we are heading on to new adventures and will continue with a new model. As such Chris will continue to provide Coaching services via CoachBarrow, “Chris Barrow” <>, for dentists with the Practice Development Team. In addition he will coach not only dentists but anyone interested in growing with the GYYIG program. I have participated in GYYIG and found it incredibly transformational. In actuality it was one of the reasons I have decided to change my focus in the UK. I will continue to work with Richard Brookshaw the founder of Same Day Smiles and Clinical Director as well as Alex Jones to grow Same Day Smiles. We have engaged with top class clinicians and offices across the UK. We are working towards the goal of changing the lives of thousands with the positive benefits of implant based treatment and SDS as the pre eminent provider of these services. Thank you to everyone who I have met as part of my BKH journey and stay tuned for Chris and my Gerber E myth book, as it now is even more interesting reading with Appendums to come.

So – that’s what has been going on the last few days – BKH is no more and I’m relieved to say that no coaching clients, management services clients or Partners were harmed in the process and no UK investors lost any money.

Tony Jacobs clearly owes me for establishing his highest ever number of hits earlier this week on GDP-UK.

I’m meeting with the Practice Development Team on-line every day and we are busy building Newco – and here’s where I need your help.

We need a name for the new company.

The bitchers, moaners and whiners who want to call it “Chris Barrow’s next pile of bollocks” can go screw themselves thank you. They need not respond because it will be boring, predictable and it won’t be funny.

I’m looking for a serious answer to a serious question.

Here’s what we want to achieve:

  1. its not about Chris Barrow – its about the excellent Practice Development Team we built in the last 13 months

  2. we do training, consultancy and coaching on all aspects of dental business

  3. we do mentoring

  4. we will provide a full service management contract – we will come in and run the place for you if you want to focus on clinical skills

  5. we will look at an equity stake in your business if you need/want some equity release (unlike the BKH model, we will not insist on a controlling interest)

  6. our objective is to either help you to open a new dental business or help you take your existing dental business to the next level

We want to model ourselves on Heartland Dental Care in the USA – whom we admire.

And we need a company name.

Suggestions (sensible please) to and there’s a bottle of something nice for any winner.

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