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a blog by Chris Barrow

Using Dropbox to stay in touch with clients

A key component of my business coaching service for clients is to keep a close eye on their key financial performance indicators.

In a perfect world, I like to see monthly details of:

  1. profit & loss statements

  2. KPI’s

  3. lab

  4. materials

  5. staff

  6. net profit

  7. all as a % of sales for the month

  8. average daily production of all fee-earners

  9. associate profitability

In that way, we can create a set of early warning signals that will help the client to change tack if the practice is blown off course. Historically, I have had to nag, nag, nag to get the information.

It still surprises me that clients will pay a coaching fee and then forget to send the homework in – which reminds me agin of Dan Sullivan’s definition of the perfect client:

“slow learners with deep pockets”.

I’ve recently started using Dropbox as a super service to store my own critical information on a server – so that I can access it from ANY computer, iPad, iPhone – and that can also be accessed and updated by Phillippa and anybody else I specify.

Now – we take the idea to the next level.

Cue Neil Harris, principal at HRS Dentalcare.

I was showing him Dropbox last week during a practice visit and it suddenly occurred to both of us that Neil could open a Dropbox account for himself, add me to share files – and presto – I can access his financial data anytime I fancy a peek to comment – or he can email me monthly to say that the data has been updated by his Practice Manager and is there to take a look at.

So this morning, for the first time, I open his Dropbox folder to look at the financials – no need to email file attachments.

On Dropbox we can share letters, templates, documents, PDF’s of marketing literature, spreadsheets, presentations – anything.

Simple, easy, portable – a foretaste of what I mentioned a few days ago – the end of the hard drive.

I’ll be asking all of my clients to follow suit.

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