There are times when you don’t think you are ever going to get it right. Times when you question your ability. When you wonder whether you have been fated to suffer every sling and arrow of outrageous fortune. And then somebody gives a testimonial to somebody else – about you – unsolicited – and you realise that the fight must go on – because you are called to serve. Here is my testimonial this week – reproduced with permission and presented with thanks to James Hamill:
Hi ______, Lovely to meet with you last week. You had asked me about my relationship with Chris Barrow and were interested in how we worked together. I can say that Chris has been alongside both myself and Sonya now for 6 years through not only our professional / business development but also our personal. We have found him to be pragmatic, honest, loyal, clear thinking and very knowledgeable across all aspects of dental business. It is interesting how many people have asked me about Chris and my response has always been the same, that I simply could not have got to the place I am in today without him. I owe him a huge gratitude not only as a coach but also as a good friend. I also remind people that its a 2 way relationship and you get out what you put in. Chris will often talk about ‘sweating the asset’. I would also say his real strength is in a 1 to 1 relationship where the only boundary is to be honest with each other. I am not saying that the road was smooth, it was not and there are daily challenges in our lives but he has helped us to make sense of things when we needed clarity, he has inspired us to be better people and business owners, he has been there when we needed him. I really could not recommend him enough as a guide, a mentor and a friend in an environment that I see that is getting tougher and tougher. My suggestion to you was to simply meet up with him (you live very close) and connect. I have copied Chris into this email should you wish to take anything further. I hope to see you soon and I wish you all the very best in your career. Regards James Hamill