I’m frequently contacted by people who have products and services of relevance to my clients. For over 25+ years I have maintained a policy that I do not accept introducers fees or commissions – I simply broadcast and comment on good ideas.
Over the years, I hear clients tell me about their great mentors; people who have helped as guides through their clinical, business and personal development.
Colin Campbell is one of the names mentioned on a regular basis and I know that he has lifted many a spirit and given others hope that they are not alone and have a bigger future.
The arrival of Colin's 6-week business course could not be better timed, bearing in mind my comments in yesterday's post about the time for firefighting to be over and for strategy and planning to begin again in earnest.
I work with clients who have graduated from this programme and know that it has given them a foundation for growth and connection to a community of like-minded owners.
"Hi Chris,
We’re just in the process of promoting our Digital Dental Business Course.
This is the 6 week business course we put on for the first time in 2020, designed to provide an accessible, digitally based course to help dental practitioners organize their business structures for more effective, efficient, and profitable businesses.
It gets started on May 31st and costs £1,200 including VAT for the 6 weeks.
The brochure is attached and anyone interested can find it from this landing page –https://www.campbellacademy.co.uk/the-digital-business-course-2021-brochure
Best wishes,
Tom Reason."