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a blog by Chris Barrow

Successful recruitment and retention in the post-pandemic era – a free guide

I’m frequently contacted by people who have products and services of relevance to my clients. For over 25+ years I have maintained a policy that I do not accept introducers fees or commissions – I simply broadcast and comment on good ideas.

Recruitment has never been harder, and the competition for candidates is fiercer than ever before. Along with many other sectors, dentistry is currently experiencing a significant recruitment crisis. Today I’ve released a free guide to help owners and managers to navigate this challenge, and I’m delighted that some amazing experts have contributed their wisdom to help too.

Over the past 30 months, we have witnessed the most seismic change in employee expectation in a generation. The pandemic accelerated several societal trends that were already present pre-2020. The Millennial Generation were already a value-driven and socially conscious group for whom a simple paycheck was not enough. They wanted their employers to care, to provide work that was engaging, and which developed their skills. And they wanted their employers to give back to the community and protect the environment. The result of these shifts is the ‘great resignation’ and along with it, an exodus of talent from dentistry in all disciplines.

There is, however, hope. Against the backdrop of this change there are some key principles to apply, and simple and implementable strategies that will help you to stand out as an employer of choice. What is more, these strategies will help you to retain the good people you do have and help to make your practice more successful.

I have compiled advice from some of dentistry’s most successful and respected executives, leaders, lawyers, coaches, and trainers in to what I believe will be an invaluable guide – ‘Successful Recruitment and Retention in the Post-Pandemic Era’ – which is available to download free of charge at

The guide is packed with practical and actionable advice from an expert panel including your very own Chris Barrow as well as Sarah Buxton, Nigel Jones and others.

Recruitment and retention continue to be a challenge. But there are practices and businesses who are winning. By learning from them, and implementing the advice in this guide, I hope you’ll be able to win too.

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