Last day in Scotland today. This evening the boy wonder and I drive South and have a 12-hour turnaround before we pack and go with Team BKH to The Dentistry Show. In the last couple of days we have proofread our launch newsletter and the new BKH web site (live tomorrow) and I’m so excited and proud of the amazing work that ALL the team (internal and external) have done to get us this far. Before I am consumed by matters BKH Group and the NEC, a word of recognition for Pete Buchan and the team from No 9 Dental for last night’s study club meeting:
Venue – 10/10 – The Dakota at South Queensferry were superb (and that was one of the best buffets I have had)
Organisation – 10/10 – a total of 57 in attendance – better than many in much larger cities and towns
Content – 10/10 – and I don’t mean me – what I admired was that Pete got up there with his Keynote Remote app and used his iPhone to control an entertaining 20-minute session on his passion, his beliefs, his work and his terms (and prices) for accepting referral implants. It was just great – and I’ve rarely seen a practice principal do so well at presentation skills (the bugger out-tech’ed me!).
Mood – 10/10 – no whinging about recession, compliance, HTM 01-05, associates, corporates. Just a good bunch of folks who engaged with the speakers, offered a few very good jokes and generally lifted the room.
Great also to bump into an old-friend from 8 years ago (ouch) – Martin Morley – good to see you again buddy. Well done Pete, well done the team and well done Scotland. I’ll be spending the day with the No 9 team today and very much looking forward to it. Pete has created a lovely little practice and has pioneered his clinical partnership with his therapist, leading the way for many others – years ahead of the game. My business partner, Al Kwong Hing, is back in the UK this week and attended a hugely important and exciting meeting yesterday. I’m going to tease you and not say what it was about but we are exploring some innovative ways of delivering private dentistry. More when the deal has been done. Last night he and his lovely wife Brenda called me from Gaucho Grill in Manchester and we chatted – me over a wee dram with Jon B in Edinburgh and them over a Malbec in my home town. Al will be talking with lawyers, accountants and architects most of today – moving forward on plans for our first dental practices. Tomorrow morning a Board meeting in Manchester and then we all head for the NEC and “the launch”. Pete growing his referral practice, the BKH team launching a new private dental corporate – we are all in the business of marketing, growth, evolution – a bigger future.