"The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles."
You are not a person of integrity:
If you steal money from your practice by abusing a position of managerial privilege;
If you accept a job, wait until your confirmation letter for mortgage underwriting purposes is accepted by the lender, and then resign from the job;
If you agree to a job, sign a contract and then pull out before your first day for more money elsewhere;
If you consistently bad-mouth your colleagues and your Employer when you think nobody else is listening;
If you accept a job or promotion for more money, in the full knowledge that you don't have the technical skills to deliver;
If you over-prescribe or over-sell;
If you knowingly charge too much for what you do;
If you think you are superior to other people (team or patients) and behave arrogantly;
If you agree to targets and then do nothing about it.
Sadly, this just a selection from some of the situations I've been asked to advise on in recent months.
There always were people around that had no integrity - and perhaps the current economic cycle is making them more visible.
The sad news is that they exist.
The good news is that they are a miniscule percentage of the workforce - but they can have a disproportionate effect on the performance and morale of their colleagues.
Which is why it is important in leadership and management to demonstrate zero tolerance.
At the first hint of a lack of integrity - distance yourself.