Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.
Viktor E. Frankl
Some choices you can make this month:
To react or to respond;
To run away from or to rise to the occasion;
To consume or to create messages;
To experience or to make history.
Events of the last 48 hours leave many feeling exhausted at the prospect of continued uncertainties and more relentless groundhog days.
There's a weariness virus out there at the moment. Transmissible and contagious.
As an owner or manager - you are the vaccine and you need to get a dose of yourself into as many arms as possible - team, patients, clinicians, suppliers, community, friends and family.
Choose - now - to respond positively every time, to rise to the occasion, to create messages that lift those around you.
Go and make history.