It was a wonderful trip, both working face to face and delivering a 2-day workshop to 38 delegates.
I want to thank Melanie Savvides for being my collaborator, workshop buddy, driver and for introducing me to the many friends she has in the SA dental community.
I want to thank Wright Millners for hosting the workshop and providing not just the premises but a superb catering package.
I want to thank all the dental practice owners who took a leap of faith and committed to my training and coaching.
I want to thank all the team members who sacrificed their weekend to listen to my presentation.
As I said during the week, it was another week with a community who think they are different and, in fact, are just the same.
I'm not stupid - I know that living in South Africa presents unique challenges and requires diligence.
However, what makes people tick remains the same wherever I go in the world.
Maslow got it right.
I'll be back in South Africa first week of June and I'm already looking forward to it.