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a blog by Chris Barrow

A new month begins

Writer's picture: Chris BarrowChris Barrow

January was fantastic – I think the best personal and professional month I have had for a long time. The week’s holiday around Switzerland was breathtaking, beautiful and peaceful. The three week’s of dental workshops were really good fun – lots of lovely new clients. Driving the Discovery around Europe and Britain made me realise what an effort driving the Audi TT has been – and I intend to sell the Audi and either keep the Disco or trade up to a new one in April. Even three break-downs in the month with the same mechanical problem were tolerable. Jen has been very ill in the USA and has done a wonderful job of helping me to prepare for the launch of The Coaching Business School – today! Barbara has been a fabulous companion on the UK workshop trail – and once again, we haven’t stopped laughing (mainly at ourselves) all the way. Julie has arrived as my personal concierge and has made an immediate impact by reducing the domestic pressures on me – allowing me to really rest and re-charge at weekends. Normally, at the end of a workshop tour, I am a ghost – physically and mentally trashed. Not this time. I drove from Zeebrugge to Como in one session on Sunday – 600 miles in 11 hours ferry to door – probably 80% of the trip on cruise control – and felt fresh when I arrived. This week I am hosting the first of our call-in days with new clients, final preparations for the Canadian Intensives next week and a chance to catch up on some business development work. Life is good. Oh – by the way – I am giving up my 6-month old addiction to tobacco today – so watch out world!!!! And I feel truly loved. Who, as the song goes, could ask for anything more?

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