It began very well – another early morning run, this time along the beach at Porthleven Sands – a hard slog on shifting sand that taxes my leg muscles and my lungs but gives me more time to think as I enjoy the sea at my side and the view to the horizon.
As Dan Sullivan says:
Is the horizon real? It’s real in the sense that it’s useful but it’s actually a mental skill. The person who can see the furthest always wins because they invest in the right people and systems now.
So I return full of vim and vigour – to find that, not only has the backlight failed on one of my computers – but also the wireless adaptor has disappeared during the consequent “system restore”. Instead of spending the morning preparing for my forthcoming retreat by working on goals in my “Best Year Yet” software, I spend the morning trying to fix a computer – 4 hours of wasted and frustrating time before I give up (which I should have done at the start) and arranged for the dreaded equipment to go to laptop hospital – then spend another hour reconfiguring an old PC to send and receive emails. By 1.00pm I have had enough of the day, I’m tired, fed-up and have done nothing that seems to be of any value. So I’m going to answer a few urgent emails, switch off and walk away. On reflection, I should have followed my own advice – “ask not, how do I do this but whom do I know?” I think that expecting a guy to get help with his computer is the same as asking a guy to stop and ask for directions when he is lost – it just ain’t gonna happen. I pay the price. It’s weekend.