Chris Barrow

Jul 31, 20092 min

What a year, what a day!

I had always intended to write a blog post this morning to “celebrate” exactly one year since I decided to end the tolerations that were making my professional life so miserable and strike out alone with very few guarantees.

It has been an extraordinary year of activity which began with a month’s sabbatical and followed with the development of my role at IDH as well as continuing freelance work within independent dentistry.

Many people have kindly commented in the last 6 months that I seem to “be back” in all my bold, outrageous and provocative glory – upsetting some and inspiring many.

Never knowingly average.

I can honestly say that I am enjoying “work” right now more than I have done for perhaps 10 years.

This post gives me the opportunity to thank those who have made the last year such an exciting pleasure.

I don’t want to give a Hollywood acceptance speech or a eulogy – but just a HUGE thank you to my family, my friends, my support team, my suppliers, my strategic alliance partners, my clients and my colleagues.

Business is good, there’s always room for more and I wake each day, ready to enjoy myself.

I was reminded this morning of the book True Success by Tom Morris and his (I paraphrase) definition that we are truly succesful in our professions when we

  1. love what we do

  2. love when we do it

  3. love who we do it with

perhaps I could add that the final component is to know that we are loved.

However, I’m going to end this post with a simple statement that overshadows all.

In the last week, many of my community have been waiting and hoping as Harry, the newly born son of David and Dawn Cunningham from Spring Grove Clinic in Glasgow, has struggled on a life support system.

I hope that David & Dawn will not object to my mention that Harry is now off the danger list and expected to make a full recovery.

After an enormous sigh of relief, I’d like to end my post with the comment that the health of one solitary vulnerable and innocent human is worth more than all the “bright shiny objects” of commercial success.

I’ll have a smile on my face all day today – for many reasons.

Go Harry!
