Chris Barrow

Apr 21 min

Sleepless in Cheshire

Even after all these years, the night before a return to work, I wake at 01:45 (lights out was 22:00) and cannot get back to sleep.

My head is full of lists, tasks, deadlines, preparations.

My Chimp is sat at the end of the bed, telling me about all the things I'm proposing to do that will end in failure.

I move to a spare bedroom and read for about half an hour to take my mind off work.

Lights out at 02:15 and then awake for another while before I eventually drift off into a dream-laden sleep of not being able to get to where I need to be.

Alarm at 05:45, feeling as if I've just landed from a transatlantic flight.

Here goes.........

Game face on.
